What is Google Algorithm in SEO ? How it works ?

What is Google Algorithm ?

Understanding the Google Algorithm… or NOT!

The Google Algorithm is the heart and soul of the ever so popular Google search engine. One element of online marketing that has people scratching their head in confusion is the algorithm that actually determines what the  Google PageRank should be.

These Google algorithms are proprietary in nature, so few people outside of Google have seen them in their entirety. There is some debate to whether any single person in Google completely understands the entire algorithm used by the search engine… it is that complicated.

Even if you were to see the algorithm, you’d have to be a math genius to understand it. That’s what makes figuring out the whole concept of optimizing for search engines so difficult. Search engines as a whole are very complicated programs, even to the most brilliant mathematical minds.

The algorithm that the Google search engine uses, establishes the baseline to which the web pages are compared for their database. For the Google algorithm, there are more than 200 factors that are used to establish this baseline. Google makes about half-a-dozen changes to that algorithm each week to reflect changes in the way people actually perform searches.

This mysterious baseline that we are talking about varies from search engine to search engine. Some search engines look more closely at links than others do, some look at keyword and context, some look at meta data, but most combine more than one of those elements in some unknown ratio that is completely proprietary.

Closing Comments about the Google Algorithm!

Knowing about this information arms you with knowledge that… if you design your web site for search engines, then you will be playing cat and mouse; but if you design your web site for the people, and make the site as useful as possible for visitors, then you’ll probably remain in all of the search engines’ good graces.

If you are really paying attention to your reader’s behavior when they are on your site, then you won’t always be a step behind the search engine. Eventually, you will be in step and maybe even a little ahead of the game, because a search engine has only one purpose; to provide relevant information to searchers in the manner they want to access it!


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