Ping Your Blog to Increase Traffic!

Ping Your Blog to Increase Traffic

Pinging Your Blog When You Have Updated Content!

Pinging services allow you to automatically notify blog directories and search engines that your blog has been updated.

There are a few reasons that you should be pinging your blog… whenever a blog pings, many background processes happen which will get your weblog quickly indexed by search engines as well as bring traffic from many other sources.

WordPress is known to ping your blog by default each and every time you click on the ‘Update’ button. This can cause a red flag for the search engines as spam, and possibly get your site banned. The solution to this issue is to add the plug-in MaxBlogPress, that will allow you to update your page within a period of time that you specify, without your site being pinged each time you click the Update button.

With this plug-in, you can add a large amount of ping sites to the MaxBlogPress Ping Optimizer box. I personally have only added the “Update Services” Codex list to the Ping Optimizer (this link is available on your WordPress Dashboard > Settings > Writing, then at the bottom of the page where it says Update Services), the remainder I go to each web site listed below and manually ping by putting my URL in the box.

Here is a list of web sites that I recommend to manually ping your updated blog. This list of 5 sites may not seem like much, but Pingler alone pings 84 websites, the others ping anywhere from 20 to 50 sites each spreading the word far and wide.

Closing Comments about the Blog Pinging List!

Keep in mind that the bigger your ping list for your blog, the greater the chances of receiving traffic from those sources, so if you find additional sites, add them to your MaxBlogPress Ping Optimizer box.


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