Grid Server Hosting – Put Your Site on STEROIDS!

Grid Server Hosting – Put Your Site on STEROIDS!

Move Over to the Super Highway – Grid Server Hosting!

I recently moved my blog over to a ‘Grid’ server hosting plan, along with a static server IP address, to give my blog a boost of speed. With all of the plug-ins and widgets to spruce up the look and feel of my blog, the javascript and other scripts to run my many applications, and the many HTTP and image requests that are made to the server just to load a page, I decided it was time for a change.

When I made my move over to grid hosting, I left my traditional shared server hosting plan of 5 years, to make the move to the super highway of servers. Although grid technology is not new, the server technology has come a long way over the years, so I am sharing my experience that could most assuredly speed up your blogs loading time.

The best way to describe what grid web hosting is, would be to tell you what has to say on the subject.

“Think of Grid Hosting Technology as a highway, and traditional Shared Hosting as a single lane road. When traffic is steady and consistent, the single lane is just fine – but when traffic spikes or there is an accident, things slow to a halt.”

“With Grid Technology, traffic increases are spread across multiple ‘lanes’ to keep your site up and running smoothly. Grid Hosting Technology is a flexible hosting platform that distributes your website content among multiple servers as opposed to just one server (Shared Hosting).”

“More servers mean more power, speed and reliability.”

“With traditional Shared Hosting, hundreds – even thousands – of websites are supported on a single server. With multiple servers, if one happens to fail, the others are still there to keep your site up and running.”

Closing Comments About Grid Server Hosting 

With all of the HTTP requests that my site makes to the server, plug-in scripts, images etc, just to load the page, I felt it was a smart move to transfer my site over to grid server web hosting.

You may already be on a grid server hosting plan right now, but it is most definitely worth a check with your hosting company. If you are not, check with them to find out what types of hosting they can offer you to speed up your site, and give you that boost of up-time confidence.


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