What is anchor text ? Seo beat practices in 2021

What is anchor text ? Seo beat practices in 2021

Anchor Text… Follow This One Little Rule to Increase Rankings!

Choosing the appropriate HTML Anchor Text for your internal, outgoing and incoming links can play a large role in increasing your search-engine rankings for the terms and keywords your site is targeting. Anchor text is the click-able text attached to an HTML hyperlink known as the Anchor Tag.

Effective use of the anchor text is to describe the content of the page being linked to directly in the wording, whether it’s from a blog or forum leading to your site, an outbound link from your site to another persons website, or cross-linking between pages on your own site.

When leaving comments on a blog or forum, you can put latent semantic indexing to good use (the words you use for the ‘Name’ will be the anchor text (tag) LINK leading to your site). Example: If I was leaving a comment on another person’s blog that led to a page on my blog about backlinks, I might leave the anchor text name as ‘John the Backlinks Specialist’.

Other times I would leave ‘John | SEOBlogOptimizer’ or ‘John the Web Blog Optimizer’ if the inbound link led to my home page. If you utilize words that describe your expertise or blog specialty when leaving a comment, your page rankings could increase.

In order to create anchor text in your WordPress-based site’s content that leads to an internal page on your own site or an external page to another person’s site, then follow the instructions below.

For the Visual tab in your WordPress Edit Box, highlight the wording that you would like to use for the link, click on the link icon (looks like the ‘infinity’ sign or a flattened number 8 turned on its side), when the ‘insert/edit link’ box opens, paste your hyperlink in to the ‘Link URL’ box, click the ‘Target’ drop-down menu, choose to open link in a new window, or open link in same window, type in a title of the link if you’d like to, then click insert.

For the HTML tab in your WordPress Edit Post box, you will need to highlight the wording that you would like to use for your link, then click on the word “link”, a box will open, then you paste the hyperlink that you want the text to go to in the box, click OK.

Closing Comments About Anchor Text!

When building backlinks to your web page (leaving comments on blogs or forums), you should always attempt to acquire links with highly descriptive anchor text. Search engines use the anchor text to determine the theme of the page being linked to, and the anchor text is an important factor in search-engine’s ranking algorithms.

Do not overuse one specific variation of your anchor text. The search engines will rank you higher if you include some variety with your terms when using the anchor tag.


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