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Important Information for the Reader

Your health and that of your loved ones is important. Treat this book as an educational tool that will enable you to better understand and assess your condition and treatment options and choose the best course of treatment when a health problem arises, as well as how to prevent health problems such as obesity from developing in the first place. It could save your life. 

Remember that this book on weight management is different. It is not a diet book. Unlike the countless fad diets, alternative medicine recognizes that one size does not fit all. Fad diets don’t work because they do not address the unique biochemistry of each individual, nor dothey take into account the underlying imbalances that may have caused you to gain weight in the first place. Rather than simply emphasizing weight loss, this book will instead show you how to correct imbalances and reduce toxicity so that you will gradually return to a healthy weight. This book is about alternative approaches to health — approaches which may not be understood by mainstream physicians. We urge you to discuss the treatments described in this book with your doctor. We have been gratified to learn that many of our readers have found their physicians open to new ideas presented to them.


Use this book wisely. As many of the treatments described in this book are, by definition, alternative, they have not necessarily been investigated, approved, or endorsed by any government or regulatory agency. National, state, and local laws may vary regarding the use and application of many of the treatments discussed. Accordingly, thisbook should not be substituted for the advice and care of a physician or other licensed health-care professional. Pregnant women and people using prescription medications, in particular, are urged to consult a physician before commencing any therapy. Ultimately, you must take responsibility for your health and how you use the information in this book.


All of the factual information in this book has been drawn from the scientific literature. To protect privacy, all patient names have been changed. Branded products and services discussed in the book are evaluated solely on the independent and direct experience of the health-care practitioners quoted. Reference to them does not imply an endorsement nor a superiority over other branded products and services, which may provide similar or superior results. 

A weight-loss program should be undertaken only under the supervision of a qualified health-care practitioner.Anyone with heart disease, atherosclerosis, diabetes, sleep apnea, osteoarthritis, gallstones, hypertension, or a family history of heart disease, or women who are pregnant or breast-feeding should consult with their doctor before embarking on a weight-loss program. Neither the publisher nor the author of this book take responsibility for any adverse effects experienced due to using any of the suggestions contained in this book.

Higher body weight isn’t simply a matter of appearance or vanity, it’s associated with increased mortality from all causes, and from specific illnesses, including the following: 

  • High blood pressure 
  • Type 2 diabetes (SEE QUICK DEFINITION) 
  • Coronary heart disease 
  • Stroke 
  • Gallbladder disease 
  • Osteoarthritis 
  • Sleep disturbances 
  • Respiratory problems 
  • Endometrial, breast, prostate, and colon cancers 

The association between obesity and early death is so clearly defined that physicians reporting in the New England Journal of Medicine cite the following as potential causes for lowering overall life expectancy in the United States: 

  • Two-thirds of American adults are overweight or obese. 
  • As many as 30% of U.S. children are overweight. 
  • Childhood obesity has more than doubled within the past 25 years. 
  • Within the past 20 years, childhood diabetes has increased tenfold. 4 In addition to health risks, societal costs of an overweight population include expenses for medical care and workers’ compensation and millions of dollars in lost productivity, which continues to be a burden for everyone. Health-care costs related to obesity increased tenfold between 1987 and 2002, and there’s no end in sight.

Serious Health Conditions Linked to Being Overweight

  1. Diabetes
  2. Heart Disease
  3. Cancer

 1. Diabetes

The incidence of type 2 (adult-onset) diabetes has tripled in the last 40 years, and it continues to rise. A vast majority (80%) of those with adult-onset diabetes are overweight. Studies have found that losing weight helps diabetics control their disease with less reliance on medications. Losing weight also reduces the risk of developing diabetes in the first place.

2. Heart Disease

 Obesity increases your chances of getting heart disease, independent of other risk factors. 7 One study concluded that obesity tripled the chances of developing hypertension in people between the ages of 20 and 75. Another study, which followed over 100,000 women, found a direct link between weight gain and the likelihood of stroke, particularly strokes caused by blood clots; as more weight was gained, the risk of stroke increased.

3. Cancer

Obesity is also an independent risk factor in the development of many different forms of cancer. Studies from around the world link obesity to a wide variety of cancers, including prostate, breast, endometrial, colon, stomach, and kidney, to name a few.

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